Customer Testimonials

side view of the car

Reliable car servicing and repairs in Godalming, near Haslemere, Surrey

Experienced and skilled car specialists

Pegasus Tyres in Surrey has over 25 years of experience in providing professional garage services to clients from Godalming and the surrounding areas, including Haslemere. Whether it's minor adjustments, accident repairs, bodywork, new and used tyres or servicing, choose us to get the highest standard of service. 

The quality of our service helps us to get repeat clients, and most of our work comes to us through word of mouth. We undertake work for all makes and models. Speak with us to get a free, no obligation quote. 
an open bonnet
cars for MOT

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For car servicing and repair, and for new and used tyres, call Pegasus Tyres in Surrey on 
 01483 418 111
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